Author: admin

Metal Storage System
By: Date: 17.07.2020 Categories: Storage

According to statistics, a quarter of the area of ​​each housing is usually occupied by unused things, broken items and other rubbish. All this accumulates over the years under sofas, beds, in cupboards, on mezzanines and does not bring absolutely any benefit to its owners. Interior products Hide products Therefore, we want to offer to…

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Wardrobe trunks for Storage
By: Date: 16.07.2020 Categories: Storage

Storage is a burning issue for every home. After all, far from all, not everyone has the opportunity to freely put all clothes, bedding, shoes, devices and various necessary trifles in a closet or in bedside tables. In the end, things have to crowd around on shelves, take up space on chairs or gather dust…

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Roomy Cabinets for Convenient Storage
By: Date: 16.07.2020 Categories: Storage

All ancestors know: a children’s room should not only be cozy and comfortable, but also non-hazardous and multifunctional. In this article, we talk about the design features of the children’s room and share tips on the design and selection of furniture. General rules for creating an interior in a nursery First, consider the frisky configurations…

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Hallway Storage Section Options
By: Date: 15.07.2020 Categories: For rooms

Hangers with curtains, like powerful cabinets, have long gone out of fashion. Comfortable, compact wardrobes are often chosen for a modern hallway: they can be stored all year round in their coats, raincoats and jackets, they do not mess and do not interfere. If the street has suddenly become colder or warmer, you should not…

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Secrets of Keeping Things in the Closet
By: Date: 14.07.2020 Categories: Storage

Storage in the bedroom In the serious sense of the word, a bedroom is a room in which we sleep, rather than store items. That is why it is better to manage it with the necessary minimum of furnishings, if possible, without overloading the place. For storage of linen, trifles and accessories, a chest of…

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Storage Systems for Wardrobe Designer Ikea
By: Date: 13.07.2020 Categories: Storage

Contrast and wealth of choice in our time is more than enough. Another time my eyes run up. But one thing is always necessary to choose. How to deal with this? Now I want to slow down on wardrobe systems. In the market at the moment there are many different. I’ll try to list the…

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Do-it-yourself Storage
By: Date: 13.07.2020 Categories: Storage

A children’s room, as a rule, does not mean a huge place, since in the souls of careful parents their child will forever remain a baby, even when "kid" begins to touch the top of the doorway with his forehead. Meanwhile, the number of toys and various little things continues to grow as the child…

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Keeping Summer Things
By: Date: 10.07.2020 Categories: Storage

Where to begin? With a critical assessment of the wardrobe. Remember rule 20/80: according to statistics, you wear 20% of clothing 80% of the time. Those things that you have not touched all summer can be given or sacrificed – in return you will get a lot of free space. What are we cleaning up?…

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DIY Storage Organizers
By: Date: 09.07.2020 Categories: Plastic

Owners of compact apartments often think about how to arrange things so that they do not interfere, but are always at hand. Owners of huge dwellings could be more pleased to find a solution to this difficulty. Do-it-yourself organizers will help to free up space. Such small tricks for the house give the long-awaited order…

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Caskets for Storing Things to Order
By: Date: 08.07.2020 Categories: Boxes

Trunks and caskets are objects from which decorating began decoupage as a special kind of art. Not a single court lady of the French court could refuse an elegant little thing, performing the role of not only a container for storing jewelry, but also an essential attribute of a bedroom. That is why in our…

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