Vacuum bags for small-sized storage of things not only save space in the closet, but also protect clothes from moths, smells and dust. The most effective models are with a valve through which it is easy to pump out air with a vacuum cleaner. But with bags without a valve you have to tinker manually, and the result is unlikely to satisfy you …
Refillable vacuum bags are usually two-layer. The thicker the layers of polyethylene, the better. The bags are thinner than 80-70 microns, one of the layers is made of nylon, and such bags turn into disposable ones. Nylon is a very brittle material, and when reused it lets air through.
An important nuance! Even dense vacuum bags are easy to pierce, so when packing all the accessories “fold” into the clothes. If you plan to store things in an unheated room, for example, in a country house, pay attention to the valve material. It should be made of silicone, not rubber. Please note! Vacuum bags cannot be filled very much. There should be some free space at the edge near the fastener. On some models, a stop line is drawn for convenience.
The volume of down jackets can not be reduced more than half. Fur products should not be packaged in vacuum bags at all. Fur coats, for example, need to be stored in open rooms, otherwise the fur may crumble. To determine the size of the packages, focus on the length of the shelves on which they will lie. The clothes can be folded a couple of times, but the bags are best stored in a flattened state. If you want the item to crumple less, pack it, without folding it, in a bag with a hook and store it on a hanger.