The freight forwarding company Nord West has equipped storage facilities and is ready to provide services for responsible storage of goods in the company’s warehouse. Having entrusted us with your property, you have the right to count on the fact that:
Acceptance and shipment of your property will be carried out within the time period you have discussed. -At your request, at any time an inventory of goods can be carried out. Records will be kept in serious agreement with the existing accounting standards for warehouse property. You will always have relevant information about internal and external movements. Cargo – Our company assumes cargo insurance and material compensation in case of damage.
The storage services we offer also provide for quick processing and order picking at the client’s request from his property located in our warehouse for safekeeping. With all this, you can order marking and bar-coding of cargo, as well as its processing and sorting.
As practice indicates, safekeeping services at Nord West warehouses are significantly cheaper than renting a warehouse. This happens because the client does not have to pay for the time when the cargo is sailing to its destination and the warehouse is temporarily empty. In case of safe storage, the fee is charged only for the time the property is actually in the warehouse: from the moment of loading to the moment the warehouse is vacated. In addition, tariffs also depend on the amount of property entrusted to be stored in a warehouse.
An agreement for the safe storage of things in a warehouse can be concluded for any period of time, our company’s customers are offered to conclude short-term and long-term agreements, and it is also possible to prolong them. All our warehouses have a convenient location and good access roads.