General cleaning did not help, things are becoming more and more and they have already captured all horizontal surfaces? Use space reserves
3. Hang the 2nd row of modules in the kitchen. Above standard wall cabinets in the kitchen there is usually enough space left to fit another row of modules. This is suitable furniture for storing occasionally used dishes, as well as items that are not necessarily related to kitchen utensils.
2. Attach the shelves high to the ceiling. This can be done along one wall or around the perimeter of the room. The “upper reserve” is always “at hand” in interiors of any size and type – in the corridor, bedroom, office. On the shelves, you can occasionally make books and magazines used, put boxes with papers, tools, various trifles.
4. Purchase furniture with built-in storage space. A children’s bed or an adult daybed with drawers, a coffee table with shelves and drawers under the tabletop, an angular sofa with a capacity under the seat – they will perfectly help to decide how to store things and save space in cabinets.
5. Do not neglect flat mirrored cabinets. They are extremely convenient in bathrooms – some models look just like ordinary mirrors, behind which are shallow (8-15 cm), but roomy containers with shelves for everything that usually clutters the under-mirror shelf. A mirror cabinet of a similar design in the hallway will allow you to remove keys, brushes and other trifles.
7. Hide slippers under the seat cover. In order not to litter the hallway with slippers or shoe care items, purchase a pouffe or, if space permits, a bench with a storage container under the seat.
6. Purchase a cloth cabinet. If there is still not enough money for expensive furniture, and there is not enough storage space, a cloth cabinet on a metal frame will help to solve several problems at once: get rid of the mess and decide on the dimensions of the future real “long-lived” cabinet (it may be necessary to increase its dimensions).
8. Use for other purposes. A half-empty cabinet-showcase with transparent inserts in the doors can be used as furniture for storing not “exhibition” things at all, equipping the “windows” from the inside with elegant curtains.
9. Order a media library. The composition of this sliding furniture may include not only sections for storage media of various types and a place for a TV and audio equipment, but also wardrobes and other sections. Two or more rows of mobile cabinets installed on a special podium with “rails”, along which sections can be easily moved left and right, will help solve problems with a large library, sort clothes, hide a hanger with outer clothes behind the facades with souvenirs, etc.