We will save your money by storing at least some property cheaply.
Not enough space for personal items? Leave things in our warehouse! There is no ability to deliver things to the warehouse? We will provide a car! Worry about the safety of things? We guarantee absolute safety!
The company “Moving Express” offers a comfortable and profitable service – temporary storage of personal items and furniture in Moscow. We store customer property in our warehouse complex, equipped with a security system and personal access, carts and parking. Personal and legal entities can use the services of a personal storage warehouse in Moscow. We want to offer low prices for personal storage of furniture, we guarantee the absolute safety of the client’s property, we provide all the necessary related services. We can order inexpensive delivery of things to the warehouse and export from it to anywhere in Moscow or the Moscow region. The premises that we rent to tenants are always clean and dry, they have a reliable ventilation system.
Departure of the appraiser to determine the cost of the service is free of charge. We take things for storage for any period of time, starting from one day. If you wish, we bring things to the warehouse and deliver them back to the customer with our transport.
Types of rooms for personal storage
Depending on the type and volume of property, we want to offer a choice of two options for premises. Storage is possible in a single heated building with installation on pallets (pallet racks) or in an individual box for storing things. A more economical option is to rent a warehouse area in the building. This is beneficial when storing a large amount of property, including large objects. Small items (clothes, books, chairs) are conveniently placed in individual cells for storing things.