Warehouse for storage of household items usually provides only a place for storage and safety of items left. You can choose a container that is on the street (it is cheaper, suitable for sports equipment, bicycles, tires, Christmas trees and the rest, which usually stands on balconies), or a warm box for more affectionate equipment and things.
Usually, in order to accommodate everything that stands on the balcony and in the country, a rather relatively small container. To make it more convenient to estimate the required area, we have compiled, according to our own experience, approximate capacity ratios.
In boxing one sq.m. fit great lamp, a pair of tires.
There are four sq.m. in the container. an old cabinet, several boxes, a washing machine will enter.
On eight sq.m. You can place almost everything that is in a one-room apartment (if you do not take home appliances).
Large containers are usually used already when moving or for business purposes, because they contain furniture, a couple of dozen boxes, and home appliances, and all the little things. They can also be used for storing books and other printing products (for example, for temporary storage of an extensive library).
Each box and container is locked with an individual digital lock and can only be opened with a special key card, which is registered to the person for whom the contract is concluded. The territory is guarded, there is an alarm system and video surveillance, access is strictly through the entrance and with the presentation of documents. It is not allowed to increase humidity, the rooms are ventilated.