Many were faced with the fact that at the entrance to the trading floor, store employees required to hand over the bag to the storage room or wrap it in cellophane.
Experience made it possible to identify especially overstated merchants and their chain dogs, as well as draw up a detailed annotation in case the buyer’s rights are violated. In hypermarkets, administrators and security guards often do not require, but require that the bag be handed over to the left-luggage office. According to the lawyer, by such actions, the employees of the outlet automatically equate people to offenders who intend to rob them. To humble ourselves and pack our things in a plastic bag ?? this is equivalent to making the stigma a thief.
Often they demand to throw things in boxes at the entrance to the trading floor, where many doors are without keys. According to human rights activists, the actions of the staff of almost every store fall under the article “Self-government”. Whatever rules are established by the owner of the outlet, they do not apply to buyers who are protected by federal laws, codes and trade rules.
Denis Merkulov, lawyer: “When you insist on putting things in, remember that this requirement of the store’s administration is illegal.”
If we talk about boxes for storing things, we must remember that the administration does not care about the safety of the buyer’s property. According to experts, it is easy to open the locks with a knife or a screwdriver, and some, if pulled, open themselves. Moreover, next to such defenseless boxes there is always an inscription: the administration is not responsible for the safety of things.
This is pure deception. Lawyers declare that the law in this case is on the side of the buyer. Having put things in the storage room, the citizen enters into a storage agreement with the store, it is the trading company that bears material and other responsibility for them. For more information about how sales workers violate the rights of buyers, see the program “OurPotrebNadzor”.