st. Kuskovskaya, d.37 / 60Moscow, Our Homeland, 111141
Phone: Fax: www.Bytplast company, having been vibrantly developing since two thousand years, has become one of the leading Russian manufacturers of plastic home products. The assortment of the company includes modern solutions for the kitchen and storage, as well as children’s products, plastic furniture and household items. The main principles of the development of Bytplast remain constant from the moment of its creation – this is the highest quality of products and services, modern product design, social responsibility and care about the environment. Specifically, they are the key to competitiveness and leadership in the Russian market of plastic products. European equipment, the highest degree of automation of production and modern decoration technologies allow you to create products that are one hundred percent meet the requirements of the market. A fundamental part of the company’s advertising policy is the annual release of new products, the design of which is created in collaboration with European specialists. As an honest and responsible manufacturer, the company pays great attention to the quality and safety of products: all products have declarations and certificates of conformity. Bytplast brand
Eco Style – this series presents products that repeat the color, shape and texture of a natural product or stylized as natural material: containers “Apple”, “Pepper”, “Tomato”, etc.
The company’s products are widely represented in large universal and specialized stores in all subjects of the Russian Federation. High quality, market popularity, and responsibility to trading partners allow us to cooperate with both federal and regional networks, such as: Auchan, Detsky Mir, Leroy Merlin, Metro Cash & Carry, Magnet, Pyaterochka, Dixie, Utkonos, Victoria etc. “Bytplast” products
We are pleased to bring to your attention more than four hundred items of plastic products – excellent in quality, operational and aesthetic characteristics, which have been tested for compliance with the unified sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic requirements of the customs union.
High-quality plastic dishes, convenient containers for storing food in the refrigerator and heating in the microwave, as well as trays, juicers, jars and containers for bulk products and spices. We want to offer a wide range of products for the kitchen, featuring a modern design and fashionable colors and safety of use.
Practical, durable and convenient items needed in everyday life: dressers, shelves, basins and buckets, trash containers and other products that are in regular demand among customers. For those who value comfort and seek to create a cozy atmosphere in their home.
Ergonomic baths and pots, roomy drawers for toys and whatnots, as well as tables and chairs for babies are available in bright colors. Caring parents will certainly appreciate the reliability and safety of products for children of the Plastishka brand.
Spacious and durable tool boxes, universal drawers, baskets, organizers and clothes hangers will help you make the most of your storage space. The products included in this section are distinguished by a rational design and high performance.