The price tag must be with a seal or signature. It is a document and must certainly be on the product. If you see something with a price tag (it’s not important where and how it costs), you have the right to purchase it at a cost on it.
Example: they say for you that the product for the promotion is over. You see one in a display case in an airtight drawer near the ceiling, but with a price tag. For you do not have the right to refuse to sell it.
2nd example: when prices are updated, a price tag with an old price lower may remain in the trading floor. Is the cost in the database different? So what, here is your document. If suddenly the price tag is without a stamp-signature, and there is no correct price tag on such a product, register a violation. Price tags must certainly be at least on one product from the pack.
Price Attack
Be careful. One of the schemes of divorce implies that at the checkout they can say for you that “Oh, the price tag is old, the cost has changed” – and break through the cost for you a little higher. Had a Luck? With the highest probability, you were cheated, or you just participated in some form of shoplifting. The most common example was done by someone in order to fulfill the plan: together with laptops, an antivirus was sought on the check, one hundred of which had to be sold per day.
Searches and the need to wrap things up
In large stores such as Auchan, Ribbon or Carousel carry goods exclusively on the road. I once spoke with the security guard of one of the networks – he just banged his head against the wall and said: you understand, they see the camera. They know that she is there. And still bear, as “suddenly blows.” So, they take it away in pockets of clothes, bags, in boxes from other goods cheaper, replace the packaging (only a week right in front of me a man tried to carry toothpaste for three hundred rubles in a paste box for twenty-eight rubles). All this makes the security guards nervous and prone to stand up to any suspicious activity. You need to know three things: – You can take any bags with you and not pack them. – You can not show your bag and check at the exit. – The security guard can not do anything except call the police.
You can not leave bags at the entrance
The store is not responsible for your items in the storage room. And he has no right not to let you into the trading room with them, despite the assurances of the guard. The procedure is simple – if it rests, say: “but I do not want to.” Usually this ends, but if it’s really tough – you call the administrator and register a violation. This is four hundred and twenty-six Civil Code of the Russian Federation, since the store does not have the right to refuse to sell you the goods if it is possible (a bag in hand is not a reason). Similarly – about the need to pack in a sealed bag. My practice has shown that at the moment of the beginning of explanations it is necessary to start writing videos (do not forget to say “attention, there is a video recording”) – this significantly speeds up the procedure.