The order in the house is not a parental whim, instilled in us from youth. The competent organization of storage of things is the key to a comfortable, comfortable and beautiful home. Coping with mess is easier than it sounds. Modern ideas for storing things significantly save time, money and effort.
Storage of goods in a small apartment – ideas
The organization of storage of things in the apartment is the first step in home improvement. This is especially important if the living space is small. To correct the situation with a permanent mess and the loss of things without harming the interior will help smart ideas for storing things.
Narrow rack
A narrow rack is placed in any slot and is suitable for storing canned food, jars, stationery, make-up devices. It is installed in the kitchen, in the living room or office, when there are gaps between the furniture or home appliances. So that they do not collect dust, they mount high retractable racks.
Jewelry holder
Scattered jewelry, lost earrings and bracelets tangled in chains are familiar to every girl. Often for all the decorations there is not enough space in one box and they begin to wander around the rooms. There is a way out – an original and beautiful stand that fits into any interior and becomes a designer accessory.
Folder Stand
Such coasters can be found in any apartment or office. They are suitable not only for storing papers. They are easily converted into organizers for cosmetics, stationery, brushes. Such coasters are cute, do not spoil the interior, are cheap and very mobile. Transferring them to another room is not at all difficult. You can decorate them on your cous.
Shelf from the stand for paintings
A small and compact shelf can be obtained by nailing a stand for pictures lower. This mount is suitable for storing frequently used items: smartphone, glasses, books, headphones, charging. It is very beneficial to use it in the bedroom near the bed. The shelf is almost imperceptible, but very convenient.
Cable organizer
The so-called men’s “cosmetic bag” can be made using a cardboard box and toilet paper bushings. This solves the problem of lost and untidy unwound cables. They are easy to find, and they are not confused. The appearance of cords stretched across the room creates a sense of clutter.
modular living rooms