1. Suitcases, bags, satchels and other packaged items, the overall dimensions of which do not exceed the dimensions of the storage cell 53cm x 50cm x 46cm, as well as skis, snowboards and boots, are accepted into the storage room of the League of Cultural and Sports Workers LLC (hereinafter – the Company). The cell is designed to store one bag (packed) or one pair of skis, or the 1st snowboard, or one pair of shoes.
2. For storage of documents, cameras, video cameras and other valuables in the storage room there are special cells 47cm x 30cm x 43cm in size. The Society is not liable for valuable items handed over to an ordinary cell.
3. Acceptance for storage and delivery of things is carried out only during the operation of the left-luggage office in accordance with the established regime.
4. Things are accepted by the Company for storage for the following periods:
4.1. For the current day (the things that need to be stored must be collected before the end of the working hours of the left-luggage office in the current day *) –
4.2. For “7 days”, “14 days”, “28 days” (items deposited for storage must be picked up on the last day of the storage period (the day on which the items were deposited in the storage room is the first day of the storage period)) –
4.3. For the current winter season (items deposited for storage must be collected on the closing day of the current winter season **) –
4.4. For the off-season period (deposited items must be collected on the opening day of the next winter season). Items are accepted for storage for the off-season period not earlier than the closing date of the current winter season. Storage specified in clauses 4.2. – 4.4. of these Rules, is a long-term storage.
5. If the client does not fulfill the obligation to pick up the things transferred for storage within thirty days from the date of expiration of their storage, the Company, after a written warning from the client, has the right to independently sell unclaimed things in the manner provided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.