Storage in the bedroom
In the serious sense of the word, a bedroom is a room in which we sleep, rather than store items. That is why it is better to manage it with the necessary minimum of furnishings, if possible, without overloading the place. For storage of linen, trifles and accessories, a chest of drawers with drawers will be a perfect choice.
Dressers do not take up much space, are very convenient and are able to truly decorate the interior, if you pick them up based on the general style. It can be ordinary and luxurious Provence or something more modern or minimalistic – the choice of models is very wide. As an optional, but so dear to the heart of every lady, additions can make a stylish dressing table with a mirror.
Even if the bed, chest of drawers and wardrobe are perfectly matched, this does not mean that an approximate order will reign in the bedroom. As unfortunate as this may sound, we all tend to hang home clothes on the backs of chairs or throw them on any horizontal surface that has turned up under the arm. It is for such cases that compact floor hangers were invented for home and casual wear.
Another plus of floor hangers is the ability to carefully place suits and jackets on them so that they do not deform, and thanks to additional shelves for trousers, a belt and accessories, you can prepare an outfit for work in the evening and not spend time in the morning on the painful choice of a suitable outfit or ironing.
The order in the closet and dressing room
Of course, the main place to store things for most of us is a wardrobe or dressing room. The wardrobe allows you to keep all things in sight, can have any configuration and, in general, is much more convenient and roomy than a conventional cabinet, however, for its arrangement you will need at least 3-4 m2. Speaking of choosing a wardrobe, remember that corner models are much more spacious than usual ones, but you should immediately think about their internal lighting so that you don’t have to look for the right thing in the dark.
Memo: the golden rule, one coat hanger – one thing will keep everything in sight and not overload the closet with things that the hostess simply forgets to wear.