Store small items in mini-chests of drawers. Use padded shoulders or cloth to protect your clothes from damage. To store shoes, socks and underwear, use hinged modules. Use an old suitcase to store hats and other accessories. Pack shoes in special plastic containers. Attach a photo of the contents to each container so that it is easier for you to find the right pair; Hang the earrings on beautiful jewelry stands; Store your boots with straightened shafts so that there are no wrinkles. It is time to disassemble the cupboard. Take off clothes out of season. Set aside things that are no longer suitable for you, and give them to those in need. Also put aside things that you like, but require rework, and take them to the seamstress. Carefully choose clothes hangers. Do not use wire hanger. Buy only cloth-covered hangers, or yourself tighten them so that creases and creases do not appear on the clothes. Ventilate the closet. Leave the cabinet open and open the windows. Hang things that need airing next to the window. Typically, knitwear absorbs odors well, which is why it is best to ventilate them before storing them. Fasten locks, buttons and hooks so that they do not cling to clothes during washing. Also, iron on the wrong side, because traces of the iron may be left behind. And do not fold things immediately after ironing – let things cool to room temperature, then there will be no wrinkles on them. Do not forget about shoes. Do not put shoes in the closet immediately after wearing. Shoes must be ventilated first. Type old newspapers in your shoes to shape. If the shoes are wet, also fill them with newspapers and leave to dry at room temperature.
Take care of clothes
Proper storage. Empty the pockets of jackets and trousers before hanging them in a closet. So things will not be pulled. For shirts to serve you longer, before you remove them, fasten the top buttons and apply starch (now you can buy starch in cans). Do not pack too tightly – things will not “breathe” and will become very wrinkled. It is better to store knitwear on shelves, rather than on hangers – it loses shape if it hangs.