The order in the house is something that any man is dreaming of, and what a lady is working on once a day. Of course, this rule has its exceptions, but, nevertheless, it applies to most families. In addition, there is still one element in this system – children who are daily able to destroy this order …
In fact, not everything is as complicated as it might seem at first glance, you just need to think through a competent system of storage of things in each room that fits perfectly into the interior, eliminates the feeling of clutter and will save a lot of time on putting things in order.
Currently, experienced designers are ready to offer you a thousand and one ways of storing things, many convenient shelves, cabinets, drawers, folding drawers, etc. have already been invented and produced. The main question remains only how to arrange all these inventions in your apartment so that it is stylish, beautiful, appropriate and, most importantly, convenient? Let’s try to figure it out!
Storage systems for the kitchen:
A kitchen is in most cases such a place where an incredible number of objects must be placed on a relatively small area (dishes, home appliances, pots, pans, cutting boards – this is just the shortest minimum of everything that is needed and important).
However, it is in the interior of the kitchen “there is where to turn around” in terms of the location of convenient and original storage systems. And this is not only a standard kitchen set, but also many “innovations” and “tricks” that are actively used in practice.
For example, the bin does not have to occupy the entire space of the department “under the sink” – today there are special containers that are mounted directly on the door inside the kitchen cabinet, and at the same time take up very little space.
As for the storage of dishes, many different devices for its ergonomic placement have long been created, for example: folding, corner, extendable and spinning dryers.
And the stunning idea of organizing a bar can be a vertical open cabinet with mounts for horizontal storage of bottles, or several narrow shelves on a free wall, corresponding to the style of the chosen interior.
Storage in the hallway:
Usually, the entrance hall is characterized by a small area on which it is necessary to place storage systems for outerwear and shoes.
In this case, when the apartment is equipped with a dressing room adjacent to the hallway, the issue of storage is solved quite easily – you just need to buy comfortable shoe racks, shelves and clothes rods and install them in a specially designed place.