How to find the perfect place to store things in a small size, experts recommend
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OPTION 1: THINGS ARE HIDDEN IN THE CORNER In a small dwelling, the problem of storing things is not even the problem: PROBLEM! Small-sized owners are not spoiled with extra square meters – and cannot afford to have a large wardrobe, a cluster of chests of drawers or several wardrobes (usually it doesn’t fit into one anyway).
It would seem – well, where else can I put the dressing room here? But, it turns out, it is she who will probably be the way out in a difficult situation with the storage of things.
– According to the laws of the genre, the correct dressing room should occupy from four to eight square meters, ”explains Alexander Kononova, a specialist in a domestic company selling sliding wardrobes and built-in furniture. – In any case, such standards are introduced in almost all foreign countries.
There, in advertisements for the sale or rental of apartments, people carefully look not only at the size of the kitchen, but also at the availability and size of the dressing room. In America, for example, it is customary to have such a storage room. We, in Russia, of course, have other realities.
A lot of people, especially young people, live in a limited space of one or two – room apartments. But in fact, it is they who should think about the dressing room – it will significantly save living space.
Well, if the layout of your home contains a pantry, even if it is three meters square, a closet or a fairly large, wide corridor. Firms specializing in furniture for storage have specialists who will help transform this space beyond recognition. So that every quadrant centimeter is involved. (Which storage systems come in handy for this – see below).