The left-luggage office is located in the underground space of the entrance pavilion, next to the wardrobe.
2. Things are accepted into the left-luggage office upon providing an entrance ticket to the museum.
3. The employee of the left-luggage office, taking things, inspects their contents.
4. The following will not be accepted into the locker: documents, funds and valuables. The administration of the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve does not bear responsibility for valuables and documents left in the bags.
5. The following are not accepted in the left luggage office:
professional movie cameras, lenses, video cameras-weapons-dirty things-oversized things that do not fit in sections of the storage chamber — flammable and very smelling objects and water, coloring matter — shatter, cutting and piercing objects without appropriate packaging — food products — animals and bags with animals-clothes-sports equipment (skiing, snowboarding, sledding, scooters, etc.)
6. The shelf life of things deposited corresponds to the duration of the visit to the Palace and Exhibition Complex, the duration of a concert or event, but ends with the end of the museum.
7. Things left after the end of the work of the left-luggage office are removed from the cell by an act by a commission consisting of a left-luggage office worker, senior administrator, security guard, and are recorded in the forgotten things magazine with a cell number and a detailed description of the contents.
8. In case of loss of a token, things shall be issued upon presentation of a passport and a written application with a detailed listing of the things deposited after reconciliation with their actual availability. The employee of the left-luggage office draws up an act on the issue of things to the applicant; the act is certified by the employee of the left-luggage office, the senior administrator. Things are issued after the work of the left-luggage office.