Plastic System LLC is a trading and manufacturing company that has represented a wide range of products on the polymer materials market for more than eight years. The company practices the production and wholesale supply of sheet plastic from cellular polypropylene (substitution of corrugated cardboard), cellular and solid polycarbonate, plastic pallets, plastic containers, boxes, as well as other plastic products to various enterprises in Russia and neighboring countries.
Polymer products are an integral part of the activities of modern man. Plastic packaging is currently much more popular than any other.
A large assortment of polymer products of various types is brought to your attention by the manufacturing trading company Plastic System LLC.
The most popular and commonly used products in everyday life are storage trays, plastic containers and plastic packaging. We produce them exclusively from quality raw materials and sell them at the most affordable prices.
Also in an affordable price range for everyone is cellular polycarbonate, a popular and indispensable material that has many advantages over other similar ones. Monolithic polycarbonate is the most durable of the known transparent polymeric materials offered on the Russian market. It is widely used in all areas of life, due to its low price. With it, greenhouses and building facades are glazed, and polycarbonate is also used as the basis for outdoor advertising construction.
Our company also offers one of the most multifunctional materials – it is cellular polypropylene. It is used both in construction and in packaging, as well as in advertising. It comes in different densities, thicknesses and colors.
If you need to transport or store goods, then plastic pallets designed specifically for this, you can purchase from us at the lowest price in the Russian market. For storage, also use plastic boxes and containers of various sizes and devices.
Bubble Guard® – polypropylene sheets with a bubble structure, which our company Plastic System LLC introduced to the Russian market in the forefront.