Here we have made such a bus from a large diaper box.
This offspring made me wise to this craft. At one fine moment, upon seeing an empty diaper box, he climbed into it and played with her all evening. That’s when I was going to make his game even more interesting.
The “bus” was assembled in three steps:
1. While the offspring was not at home, I cut off the top of the box and cut four wheels out of it. Later, I glued the box over with colored paper and cut out elements for the application from colored cardboard: eyes, mouth, nose, cilia, eyebrows, windows and doors.
2. We glued elements of the application to the box, together with the offspring. Later, for strength and durability, I pasted the whole box with tape.
3. Together with the offspring, we painted cardboard wheels with dark gouache. When they dried, I covered them with tape. Then my son and I glued them to the box using double-sided tape.
In the finished bus, the little son began to “seat” passengers. Passengers were portrayed with ordinary stickers with cartoon characters, sets of which can be found in stores. Due to the fact that the bus is covered with scotch tape, “passengers” can be used many times, changing them or “transplanting” from place to place.
Box for toys
When the child plays enough, I plan to use this box as a container for storing toys. Now for the storage of toys we use plastic boxes with lids purchased at the Ikea store. But they are already filled to capacity, and such a DIY box for toys, in my opinion, is no worse than the purchased counterparts – it is roomy and at the same time does not take up much space due to its height.
You can make several such boxes, the benefit of diapers is usually bought a lot. And you can issue them in different ways. So in your children’s room a whole bus fleet loaded with toys can start.