Cost Length: 70 nine cm, Width: 50 seven cm, box with lid 899. Cost Width: 30 nine cm, Depth: 40 eight cm, Height: nineteen cm Other box options with lid 999. Cost Width: 30 nine cm, Depth: 40 eight cm, Height: 20 eight cm Other options for scubb box one 299. / 3 pcs Cost Width: 30 one cm, Depth: 50 5 cm, Height: 30 three cm Other options for scubb box with compartments 399. Cost Width: 40 four cm, Depth: 30 four cm, Height: eleven cm Other options for a scubbar basket 799. Cost Width: 30 six cm, Depth: twenty five cm, Height: thirty eight cm Other options for a laugh box with a lid 99. Price Width: thirty three cm, Depth: 38.
How to make beautiful storage boxes
Product Recycling Fund, the price of this item includes a contribution to a Product recycling. 2 pcs Price Width: twenty eight cm, Depth: thirty seven cm, Height: eighteen cm system gabbig basket with hands 699. Price.
DIY storage box for clothes (clothes)
Mar 25 Two thousand and eleven Posted 10:13 p.m., Chelyabinsk designers created a novelty that interested even American experts who were a good judge of this kind of innovation, which made it possible to make a super-all-terrain vehicle from almost any car, easily overcoming any terrain. The Urals did not just cross a caterpillar tank and a VAZ off-road vehicle in Michurinsky. They invented the mechanism, having at hand which, in just a few minutes, the motorist turns his car into a kind of BMP. All you need to do to do this is simply enter the platform, remove the wheels and connect all the control units to the platform. The car, called Metelitsa, has already passed the test. Chelyabinsk plant engineers are considering serial production of such cars. At the moment, attach a tracked platform instead.