The problem of storing things is simply solved with the help of peculiar storage systems, in the form of boxes decorated with their own hands. Such interior decor is interesting, accessible and most importantly it allows solving seemingly unsolvable problems.
Having conjured over an unnecessary box, it turned out like this, pretty, which is great for storing all kinds of little things that I don’t know anywhere.
This time I decided to decorate the box with a cloth, and make the decor of the lid using the patchwork technique. So, the box is found.
To decorate the box, we need: – pieces of different fabrics – scissors – ruler – PVA glue – pencil or pen – double-sided tape – synthetic winterizer – threads, including a mouline thread, also various needles – sequins, sequins , buttons, beads and other ornaments– braid, lace, yarn.
We take measurements from the box and make notes: how it will look, in what color scheme it is done, what is on top, what is on the edges.
After reviewing all the available flaps of fabric, I picked up the most suitable and harmonizing together. I was going to make a decor of box barrels from one fabric. For this purpose, I used a sundress, which had long been lying on the ejection.
And the top of the box will be decorated using the patchwork technique. To do this, immediately, from the available pieces of fabric, I select the necessary ones and draw a template. I will have a pink and white color scheme, in the center with flap birds.
To the size of the box, I cut the sundress so that I get a cylinder: then I just put this “fabric” cylinder on the box and fix it on top and bottom. Using double-sided tape, I make a pad of synthetic winterizer – so that the box is convex and soft. By the way, embroidery is also stretched almost, read a master class on how to stretch embroidery in more detail.
I put on the box a carved “fabric cylinder”.
I fix it on the top and bottom using double-sided tape, and then also with the help of a furniture stapler.
Now go to the decor of the higher part. According to the template, we cut out the necessary pieces of fabric and on a typewriter we cut them. The birds cut from the fabric are also attached.