The ceiling system allows you to store occasionally or seasonally used items so that they do not interfere and at the same time are simply accessible. The ceiling storage system is based on PowerTrak duralumin rails, to which various hooks, suspensions and lifts can be attached and moved as needed.
EXPERT OPINION Ivan, garage expert at GarageTech
What material is better to use for finishing the ceiling in the garage?
Our experience has shown that TekSide PVC decorative panels are a good solution for filing a ceiling in a garage, which allows you to install lighting fixtures flush with the ceiling. These panels can also be used for wall decoration, but will no longer be a supporting structure, because they do not have grooves for attaching GarageTek accessories. TekSide panels come in a variety of designs and colors, but traditional white ones are almost always used.
Workshop on the organization of ceiling storage from the program “Perfect Repair”:
* The workshop will be given by Denis Butenko, garage expert GarazhTek, creator of the project for arranging the garage of Galina Polsky in the program “Ideal Repair” on one channel.
EXPERT OPINION Andrew, garage expert at GarageTech
Are there any advantages to the highest ceiling in the garage?
The high ceiling in the garage can and should be used to store things. At the heart of the modular ceiling storage system for the GarageTek garage is the PowerTrak guide rails, on which its elements are installed and can be moved – mezzanines, hooks, brackets. Special TekLift electric lifts with a control panel and an anti-accident lock system will help to lift heavy and bulky items quickly and safely without unnecessary efforts.
Photo of the accessories of the ceiling storage system in the garage:
EXPERT OPINION Sergey, garage expert of the company Garazhtek
How to organize storage in a garage with a low ceiling?
The main principle of the GarageTek storage system is the rational use of space, even a small one, which is why a garage with a low ceiling height can be equipped to store things, if you approach the issue professionally. It is most practical to convert the garage taking into account the dimensions of your car and the things that you store in the garage – this is the task every day is solved by the experts of the GarageTech team.
Ideas for storing things on the ceiling (video on ceiling accessories):
* The video shows a fragment from the program “Fazenda” on one channel. The work was performed by the employees of GarageTek.