Often I envy rejoice for the inhabitants of warm states – they do not need to store tons of clothes and shoes at home for four seasons, and also for the off-season.
Boots, sandals, shoes, sneakers, ballet shoes, sneakers, shoes, slates … multiplied by four people in the family will be transformed into horror. As in the south (come on, the inhabitants of these blessed lands, how are you!) – shoes / sneakers for cold days, sandals, sandals, sandals, slates. All!
And when each has at least several pairs, it is also necessary to store it in some places! And if you do not have a large house with a bright large locker room, then the problem is still the same.
I will show you now how I store shoes. I do not pretend to originality and truth in the last resort, I just talk about my own different experiences.
I’ll start from the beginning. We have clogged with shoes (clogged – a keyword!) Three lower shelves in the closet – two in our room and one shelf in the nursery. Plus shoes in the hallway, which is now worn.
To put all the shoes on the shelves, sometimes you have to play tag, because if the box is positioned incorrectly, then the other boxes no longer fit.
Pros: beautiful appearance — carrying handles — inside — rather voluminous transparent pockets, even men’s shoes fit in (the site says – up to forty-one sizes, I put my husband’s sneakers in forty-two sizes, fit perfectly), it’s convenient to take with me, t. to. it is very light in itself – the zipper unfastens more than 270 * – it’s not at all difficult to fill a suitcase and then get shoes out of it (you can see in the photo that both zippers go slightly to the bottom)
Disadvantages: it is not visible that inside (although for transportation of shoes and use on the road – this will be a virtue) – it fits only on shelves with a certain margin of height
Solution: make a list of shoes stored in it and attach to the handle.
filled it with shoes
ballet shoes, sandals and even my sneakers (!) fit in a whole pair in one cell, men’s sneakers are more voluminous – one each. in a cell, his sandals are a pair in one cell
here it is folded
I didn’t fit into the children’s closet on the shoe shelf – it is low, just the height of one shoe box, I relocated it to my closet. Places saved decently decently. See for yourself – would six shoe boxes fit here here?
In fact, the suitcase takes up space just like two ordinary shoe boxes.
5 option. Transparent shoe boxes
This is my dream, I really want them. There are types of shoes that are not suitable for storage in organizers: boots, high-heeled shoes, large shoes (the eldest son already has 44, does not fit in any organizer except hanging), but for these types of shoes just might have been good transparent boxes.