What is plastic and plastic, what types are there, what are their dangers and how can they be avoided.
Plastic and plastic surround us in daily life everywhere. Starting from one-time dishes and ending with diapers. But did you think what they are made of and how they can affect our body and overall health?
While still in school, I knew that plastic and plastic have a destructive effect on the environment.
A simple plastic water bottle will take about 600 !!! years to only partially decompose! And how many of these bottles do people buy every day around the world?
Unfortunately, in Russia until now they have not begun to process plastic. And even if only because of this, it is possible and necessary to limit its use.
No one has mentioned before what effect plastic and plastic can have directly on our body.
You probably ask how he can influence us at all, we don’t eat him?!?
I want to upset you, but the chemicals present in plastic dishes and other plastic things get into our body and not only through the food and drinks in which they were stored, but can also get into the lungs or penetrate the skin, and there – to the system blood supply and spread throughout the body.
Plastic and its danger
The danger is that together with non-natural chemicals, plastic and plastic also contain toxins. And these toxins get into the foods that are stored in them and which we then consume.
Research is even more scary, saying that these substances can penetrate the skin barrier and respiratory system. Even a tiny amount of these substances is enough to upset the delicate balance of our body.
The most common plastic toxins are Bisphenol-A and Phthalate. These substances give plastic elasticity and strength.
Unfortunately, they affect our body in a completely different way. They completely knock down our hormonal balance, because they are pseudo-hormones, which leads to serious consequences.