Choose a suitable wood box. The size should be such that your hidden treasures fit freely into it. You can also purchase a lockable safe and pull out the stand for funds from it. A safe can be purchased at a hardware store, stationery or department store.
Buy a lock-free padlock protected from picking. If there is hesitation, ask the locksmith what type of lock will protect your items from very inquisitive eyes.
Install the lock. If you can not do this without the help of others, then use the services of a wizard.
Paint or decorate the box. This will be the disguise that will make your box "secret". He is obliged to have a very innocent look and look as if something else is stored in it: cosmetics, hair clips, a seal or small toys. You can make it look like a box for CDs, craft supplies, razor blades or pins. Decorate it so that no one even looks at it twice. Even a three-year-old baby’s doodle is enough for a novice “detective” not to take your box seriously (if you want it to look attractive, you can paint it in bright colors and decorate it with images of your favorite colors, athletes, pets or rhinestones). paper clippings. Use newspaper clippings, old cards, pictures from magazines, etc. To distract lovers of rummaging in other people’s things, use children’s motifs (pink ponies) or fan posters (photos of guys from pop groups).
Put your precious things in a box.
Keep the key to the lock in a safe place. Do not store it in a conspicuous place, and do not forget where it lies!
Put the box in a safe place – so it will be secret. It is most ideal for it to mix with surrounding objects. Put it on the bottom of the laundry basket and hide it under the clothes in the closet. Hide it in the pantry among other drawers or in another similar place. You can also hide it in a pile of soft toys. The point is to hide it, but do not forget where.