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Your “Nothing to Wear” has nowhere to lay down!
The phrase under which each spouse subscribes.
About the revision and analysis of the ladies’ wardrobe, we gave a huge amount of advice and wrote some necessary articles! Now we will talk about whether we can achieve order in the closet and by what specific method you can lay out and hang all things and devices on shelves and hangers so that all the right clothes are always at hand!
Any woman is familiar with Narnia firsthand. And she knows exactly where this Narnia is located. In her closet with clothes. Well, that’s for sure – a magical world in which it is not clear what goes where and where what is. In the most severe cases, unable to withstand the pressure of magic from the inside, the doors of the cabinet fall off or the shelves collapse. It happened to me with a shoe cabinet.
How many times when analyzing the wardrobe you say: “Oh, what a nice little blouse, skirt, sandals! Wow, I completely forgot about them! ” Or, having got hold of another new thing, remember that somewhere in the depths … on the farthest shelf … the new is the well-forgotten old, yeah. Now in duplicate.
Proverb "Out of sight, out of mind" in the case of a wardrobe, it also affects memory. If you don’t see a thing, then usually you don’t remember about it. And the result is the same sets of what is constantly in sight. Boring. And all you have to do is decompose things so that they are visible. This, in my opinion, is the main goal of order in the wardrobe.
A garbage dump can present another unpleasant surprise: suppose you suddenly remembered a beautiful cardigan, a hundred years old unworn. And we decided to walk him. And at the time of getting out of the deposits, they discovered that he was all kind of wrinkled, and there were no buttons. It’s good if there is time to put it in order, and a button, and if not? In this case, the thing very often goes back to the heap, where it lies until it is thrown away or given away. And it would be nice to wear.