Voronezh, text – Lena Minnibaeva, photo – Alexandra Grig
All those in need can use the warehouses.
In Voronezh, several warehouses of free things for those in need work and are in demand. In late July, they were joined by a new warehouse at the Voronezh Center for Social Initiatives. All warehouses operate on a voluntary basis. Volunteers told the journalist of RIA Voronezh why they are wasting time on charity and how citizens can help those in need.
Photo – from the personal archive of Ksenia Penkova
Ksyusha Penkova, curator of the warehouse at the Voronezh charitable organization “Common Children” (58 Koltsovskaya Street, lower floor, office 9):
– A real warehouse with constant income and comfortable shelves appeared in our organization in two thousand and thirteen. Before that, it was a small room where things were stored, as they say, until better times. As the organization of things developed, things became larger, as did the needs of people. I had to rent a special room. So the project “Social Warehouse” appeared. There they bring strollers, beds, sets for the discharge of newborns. The townspeople donate things, from time to time new things are given to the closing shops. Over the past few years, we have been collaborating with a second-hand chain. They give away impressive bags of clothes from the old collection. Some of these things are transferred to boarding schools, we leave something in the warehouse.
We have a lot of things available, we can also look for clothes and shoes “on order” individually.
A family problem prompted me to volunteer. About four years ago, after an incidence in an older child, doctors discovered a crack in the skull, we were immediately hospitalized for surgery. In the hospital, I found out that there is a ward of refuseniks in the department, they came to the kids from Common Children. Volunteers brought napkins, diapers. After discharge, I found the organization’s contacts and offered my help. In “Common Children” I supervise boarding schools, conduct promotions and events, work with crisis families. We supervise the warehouse with my associate Anna Besarab.
The emotions that I experience with the help of people mean more to me than the imaginary happiness of the money, status and pleasures that I could receive without being a volunteer. No Maldives and cars can replace the moments when a crowd of seventy people in an orphanage shout: “Xenia has arrived!”
Photos – Alexandra Grieg