In each house, empty plastic bags take up a lot of space, mainly in the kitchen. The question is how to store packages comfortably and conveniently. Despite the fact that many are accustomed to storing “packages in a package” or in boxes, which is not very comfortable and takes up a lot of space, there are a lot of creative storage methods, which is much more convenient.
Storage Tanks at your fingertips
For storage of packages, a wicker, box or container is perfect. It will be more convenient if you divide small bags-shirts from huge ones, plastic from plastic ones – so they will not be confused with each other.
Packs of napkins. If you have run out of wipes, do not rush to throw out the dispenser, there you can store both ordinary bags and garbage.
A very comfortable place to store in the kitchen is a plastic bottle – cut a hole of the same size in the middle so that you can put a roll there and stretch it to the larynx, from there it will be very comfortable to get it.
A box of tea will serve as a good container for small bags. In the middle of the box, you need to cut a circle from which the bags will be taken out, you need to fill the container from above, where the lid opens. It can be decorated as desired.
If you do not want to do something yourself, you can buy a dispenser for packages in the store. It can have various shapes and sizes; usually it is mounted on the door under the sink. It is a holey urn – from each hole you can get a package without effort, but they themselves do not fall out.
Dispensers from old clothes. If you have an unnecessary jacket, you can cut the sleeve, put the laces on both sides and you’re done! You can tie such a thing yourself.
For creative and creative housewives, there are many variations for storage: dolls, toys, fairy-tale characters, but for such products additional materials and skills for cutting and sewing are needed. You can involve the child in the process of creating such a bag. Such crafts are very practical and will decorate the interior of the kitchen. To sew a doll, you will need: a piece of calico, colorful fabric and decoration for a dress, eyes for soft toys. Before sewing, you need to make a pattern – cut out the doll’s head and hands from paper, sew along the patterns from calico and fill with cotton for volume. Then sew a blouse for the doll according to the size of the body, sew on the skirt and pull the second layer of the skirt with an elastic band – this will be exactly the place where you will get the bags.
There is a similar version of the doll, but much simplified. Take a regular bag in a beautiful color and tighten the elastic at the bottom. It will look good despite its simplicity.
Any of these options can be placed anywhere: in most cases for convenience they are mounted on the door under the sink, small organizers – on the wall near the sink or on the cabinet. If these are containers, select a separate shelf or drawer for them.
How to fold bags
The original container is not enough for convenient storage of bags. It is important to choose the most suitable and economical way to store them. Consider a few of them.