According to statistics, a quarter of the area of each housing is usually occupied by unused things, broken items and other rubbish. All this accumulates over the years under sofas, beds, in cupboards, on mezzanines and does not bring absolutely any benefit to its owners.
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Therefore, we want to offer to unload your living space and use the vacant space wisely. Because it is still necessary to store wardrobe items in the house, we will tell you how to organize storage systems for the benefit of you and your interior.
No. 1. Saving space-№2. An individual approach to design and design-№3. Due to the height from floor to ceiling, the capacity of the storage system for the dressing room is a couple of times larger than that of a conventional cabinet-4. The arrangement of things facilitates and reduces the time spent on their searches-№5. This way of storing things is suitable not only for the dressing room, but also for any other room in your home. Here you can store not only things and shoes, but also household appliances, utensils and other items.
Wardrobe space
If you decide to arrange a dressing room, then regardless of its design and functionality, consider the following:
The most convenient place to place shoes is the lower shelves. It is better to keep casual clothes and hats at an average level. Things waiting for their season will take their place at the top.
To make it convenient for you to use the upper shelves, you can install a furniture pantograph or an elevator – they do not require large financial expenses and are very convenient to use.
If there are drawers and doors in the dressing room, they must be fully extendable and open. In general, for maximum convenience, the dressing room should be an area of more than 4 square meters, so that you can twist enough around the mirror. Well, it would be nice to have a chair or padded stool, so you can sit down while trying on shoes.
Of course, the idea of designing a storage system for things may seem strange to many – after all, this is, in fact, a sliding wardrobe. However, if your dressing room is open, then you can decorate it in accordance with the style of the room to which it adjoins. Add lamps to the theme, accessories, a rug on the floor – and your dressing room will become a stylish corner, and not a boring place to store things.