Impeccable interiors without a single carelessly thrown thing happen only in paintings with 3D visualizations. Well, and then, for sure, they will soon begin to do renderings with scattered clothes, an ironing board or even a clothes dryer spread out in a prominent place. Otherwise, where is the credibility? And most importantly, how do we live with this “certainty”? We figure out whether there are solutions to the problem of household mess.
Problem: chair-mountain
Not all things that are vilified and removed, we are sent to the laundry, and putting them together with unsullied things does not raise the hand. Because mechanically we throw on the back of the chair – and now a lump has already formed.
The concept of “once put on and into the wash” is harmful at first for the clothes themselves: from frequent washing, the service life of the thing is reduced, the fabric deteriorates. Well, is it worth washing the once worn dress if there is not a spot on it, and then spend the next evening ironing? There are still clothes that we don’t wash, but give them to dry cleaning – we won’t do this daily with a jacket.
What to do?
Place a floor rail or valet hanger. Plus – the ordering of daily things and the absence of a lump in the chair. Less – things are still in sight, although not on the heap. Get a separate compartment in the closet for things of “second freshness”. Plus – everything is out of sight. Minus – there may simply not be a free shelf. In order not to be confused with perfectly fresh ones, put on your clothes in a different way. In other words, put it in the same cabinet, in the same compartments as the clean ones, but turn it, for example, inside out. Plus – the chair is clean, all once worn clothes are easy to separate from fresh. Minus – in the morning you have to unscrew the jacket back, and with a jacket this number will not work. The problem is not only with the things that you took off (back from work), but also with those pajamas, a home dress, socks that you left somewhere at home. So that this “somewhere” is not a lump on the hook in the bathroom / back of the chair / armrest of the sofa – get a separate chest of drawers for household items. Only for them. Plus – the chair is nevertheless dismantled. Less – you need to find a place for a separate object.
Option: store home clothes in a bench with a folding seat (as in the photo above). Here you can also put everything that you actively wear in a given period until washing. Plus – things are laid out, the chair is empty. Minus – banquets in any case take their place.
Problem: Perpetual Cleaning
Arriving home in the evening, I want to watch a good series under a glass of red and stretch out on the couch. And here the machine in the process of the next wash, children’s things (which were cleaned in the morning) – again lie in the middle of the living room.