jewelry, cash, securities, and other documents (on property, education, business papers, etc.) family values, municipal merits, personal correspondence, and almost everything else … *
* – We draw your attention to the fact that it is forbidden to store explosive, flammable, poisonous, radioactive, narcotic and other substances that can have a harmful effect on humans and the environment, firearms, ammunition and property taken from civilian circulation in personal bank safes coordination with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Personal bank safes have the following sizes / volumes in Perm:
from 72x260x390 mm (6.5 cubic dm) to 95x280x360 mm (9.6 cubic dm) from 146x260x390 mm (13.5 cubic dm) to 160x280x360 mm (16, one cubic dm) 220x260x390 mm (20 cubic meters) dm) from 294x260x390 mm (27 cubic dm) to 350x280x360 mm (35, three cubic dm) from 442x260x390 mm (40 cubic dm) to 550x280x360 mm (55, four cubic dm)
Personal bank safes have the following sizes / volume in Moscow:
300x430x75 mm (from 9.6 cubic dm to 9, seven cubic dm) 300x430x150 mm (from sixteen cubic dm to 20 cubic dm) 300x430x190 mm (from 20 four cubic dm to 30 6 cubic dm) 300x430x300 mm (from 30 eight cubic dm to 50 six cubic dm)
You can rent an individual bank safe on any day from Monday to Friday inclusive:
in the additional office of the bank “Stroganovsky” at the address: Perm, st. Lenina, 72Av Moscow branch at the address: Moscow, Ovchinnikovskaya nab., 20, bld. 1, BC Central City Tower
To use an individual safe, you must:
apply to the bank with an identification document to conclude an individual safe deposit lease agreement with the bank after signing the agreement and making a payment (in cash or by bank transfer to the appropriate bank account) you will receive a safe key, which you can keep at your own discretion