Have you put your winter clothes in your closet yet? The other day I was sorting out a spring wardrobe and I had to throw away two huge bags of shoes and a bag of clothes, because old things took up a lot of space … If you also have a small closet, then my findings will help to organize the place correctly.
The wardrobe begins with a hanger, and these ordinary tricks will save space in the closet. For example, you can hook the hangers on a large chain so that the vertical row of clothes comes out. And you can cheat and pass the hook through the tongue from an empty can of lemonade.
Subtle things always slide off the hanger. The solution is usual: wrap the ends of the hanger with woolen thread or just pull the elastic for hair.
Now it’s the turn to clean up the drawers. Learn to put down T-shirts and T-shirts correctly then they, firstly, will not be wrinkled, and secondly, they will fit very compactly in a box.
Containers of various sizes are irreplaceable helpers in the household. Several of these drawers will help to correctly lay out things in the chest of drawers. It is especially convenient to fold small items: socks, underwear, tights, etc.
If you, like me, do not have a chest of drawers, then plastic containers for storing paper will help out. Just fold the t-shirts in squares and put the organizer in the closet.
Great idea to organize a wardrobe for children or those who work a lot: pre-assemble outfits for every day of the week by signing boxes or hanging a label on a hanger. No more lateness in the morning and thoughts that again there is nothing to wear.
A beautiful idea for storing jewelry is to place it inside the picture frame. Earrings are easy to pin on a stretched canvas, and beads and bracelets can be fixed with pins.
The storage of shoes gives me the most problems … Boxes take up a lot of space and it’s hard to find the right pair of shoes among them. I don’t know who first guessed to stick a photo of shoes on the right box, but these ideas are brilliant.
To save space, shoes are best stored unpacked and hangers used. The boots can be fixed on hangers with clothespins, and for shoes and ballet shoes you will have to work a little. Take thin iron hangers, cut the edges with nippers and bend them in the shape of two hooks. Now you can collect summer shoes, because it does not take up space at all.
In order not to stumble over shoes in the hallway, nail a board with ordinary hooks just above the baseboard. Shoes and floor will always be clean.